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Jump Into Our Zero G Pools
Liquidity Pool Bootstrap Period Rewards
Out of This World!
phase 2
Join our USDC liquidity pool
for 175% APY
1.000.000 - 3.000.000
phase 3
Join our USDC liquidity pool
for 150% APYs
3.000.000 - 6.000.000
phase 4
Join our USDC liquidity pool
for 125% APYs
6.000.000 - 10.000.000
Deposit $USDC tokens into our Liquidity Pools and earn rewards of up to 200%
By jumping into our main pool, you become eligible for additional rewards
Deposit now and receive rewards!
Dexvers rewards both depositing your crypto into our pools,
and creating new liquidity pools,
with APRs based on market-driven token trends and project needs.
Keep track of new pools and APYs, and jump into the best-performing ones!
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